Shop CalmUnity Farms

KuneKune Pork Now Available

KuneKune Pork Now Available

An older, traditional breed of pig, our KuneKunes grew up slowly in a communal environment with plenty of wild grasses, acorns, sunlight, fresh water, and pasture to roam. Their luxurious and leisurely lifestyle produces a richer, redder pork marbled with luscious fat (more akin to a high-end steak) that is as tasty as it is nutrient dense.

Order from our limited supply for the 2023 season and invest in food that will nourish you and your family, support regenerative local agriculture, and contribute directly to food systems in your local community.

Please scroll down and read “ordering disclaimers” before finalizing your purchases.

Ordering INFO

This is our first time offering this nutritious delicacy and availability is limited so please bear with us and read the following before checkout.

pickup and delivery

Orders will be available for pickup in Elmira, Geneseo, and Binghamton between Saturday November 4 and Thursday November 9, 2023. Regional delivery is available for large orders. Please contact us prior to ordering to make arrangements. Unfortunately delivery is not available at this time.


To allow the pigs a longer lifespan, both for their health and yours, we are waiting for butcher until the end of October. Therefore, inventory availability and pricing is approximate. (For example, we are assuming a pork chop will weigh 1/2 pound but it could weigh 1/4 pound or 3/4 pound after butchering.) In the event you overpay for your order compared with final weight, we will refund the delivery as soon as possible. In the event you underpay, we will contact you to work out the difference.

If ordering larger cuts, please assume a +/- 1 pound range for all purchase. (For example, a 4 pound roast could be 3 or 5 pounds). Even you are uncomfortable with that arrangement, we recommend you order products with more certain weights, including ground, sausage, and chops.

this isn’t like any other pork

When considering the pricing of the meat, consider not only that this is perhaps the healthiest and most well-nourished animal available for butchering, but also that the quality of the meat is closer to high-end beef than it is to traditional cuts of pork.